Confezione del prodotto SEDOPLANT SYNERGY <br>Relaxing oil

Relaxing oil

Our Sedoplant relaxing oil is a blend of plant extracts and oils designed to promote relaxation and wellbeing. Natural scents of Bitter orange, Melissa and Ylang-Ylang will envelop your mind and body in a pleasant feeling. It is formulated with natural ingredients that are renowned for their calming and soothing properties.

It can be used any time of the day, whenever you need a boost of relaxation and wellbeing.
•    After a long workday: applying it with a gentle massage can help relax your muscles and reduce any stress accumulated during the day.
•    Before bedtime: a massage with our relaxing oil before going to bed can encourage deep restorative sleep, with a calming effect on mind and body.
•    When experiencing tension or anxiety: if you are feeling particularly stressed or anxious, you can apply our oil to help reduce tension and promote a sense of calmness and serenity.
•    While practicing yoga or meditation: using our oil during relaxation practices like yoga or meditation can help create a calming atmosphere and enhance concentration and awareness.



  1. Apply a small amount to both sides of your spine, feet and malleoli, shoulders, décolletage, temples, palms and wrists.

  2. For extra physical and mental relaxation, you can also add a small amount of product to your bath.

Principali funzioni Sezione

Functional principles

It has purifying and deodorant properties.

It has antistress, skin balancing and purifying properties.

An astringent with relaxing, antistress and purifying properties. 

With its slightly warming effect, it is reinvigorating, promotes circulation and the absorption of active molecules. It also has relaxing and anti-fatigue properties.

It relieves tension and has anti-stress, relaxing and purifying properties.

It acts as an anti-spasmodic and relaxant. As a vasodilator, it boosts peripheral circulation.

With its mucilage, it moisturises, soothes and softens the skin.

Astringent, anti-inflammatory and re-epithelializing thanks to the presence of Azulene.